What is a tooth abscess?

A bacterial infection causes a tooth abscess, which is a pocket of pus. The abscess can occur near the tooth for different reasons. At the tip of the root, a periapical abscess occurs, while in the gums at the side of a tooth root, a periodontal abscess occurs. This article is about periapical abscesses. An…

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Tooth Fillings

. What exactly are dental fillings? Dentists use single or combinations of metals, plastics, glass, or other materials to repair or restore teeth with dental fillings. Fillings are commonly used to fill cavities resulting from decay that dentists have removed. They also repair cracked or broken teeth, as well as teeth that have been worn…

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Gold teeth that are permanent

Gold teeth, which come in various forms such as implants, crowns, fillings, and grillz, are dental procedures that involve the use of gold. Although they were once common in restorative dentistry, they are now more frequently used for aesthetic purposes in Western society. If you are interested in learning more about gold teeth, including their…

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